Songpreneurs Founder Amanda Colleen Williams represented songwriters as a non-attorney copyright expert at the recent USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) Copyright Seminar 2017.

Williams was tapped by Susan Anthony of the USPTO to represent both Artists and the Music Industry at two panels during the four-day event the week of November 6-9, 2017.
Participants were Copyright Officials, Judges, Attorneys, and Government Directors of Culture, Law and Human Rights in attendance from all around the world to hear presentations about copyright and related topics including: The Intersection of Copyright and Trade: Copyright and Enforcement Provisions in Free Trade Agreements, Emerging Business Models and Piracy in the Digital Age for Film and Television, the Music Industry, Publishing, Software and Video Game Industries.

Ms. Williams represented songwriters as small business owners in a panel led by the Copyright Alliance’s CEO Mr. Keith Kupferschmid. Other presenters on the Copyright Alliance: Artists’ Panel were: Ms. Sarah Deutsch, photographer and former attorney for Verizon, and Mr. Jonathan Zuck, filmmaker and photographer. [see top photo]

Ms. Williams also spoke on the panel: Overview of the Music Industry: Emerging Business Models and Piracy in the Digital Age moderated by Mr. Steve Ruwe, Attorney-Advisor, USPTO Copyright Team, OPIA, with fellow presenters: Ms. Victoria Sheckler SVP, Deputy General Counsel RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America,) Mr. Erich C. Carey, VP & Senior Counsel, Litigation, National Music Publishers Association (NMPA), and Mr. Gregory Alan Barnes, General Counsel, Digital Media Association (DiMA.)

While in Washington D.C., Songpreneurs also had an initial meeting with Representative Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee to offer their support to the Songwriters Caucus.
#WashingtonDC #nonattorneycopyrightexpert #amandacolleenwilliams #USPTO #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesPatentandTrademarkOffice #CopyrightSeminar #SusanAnthony #Artists #musicindustry #attorney #government #culture #law #humanrights #world #trade #piracy #businessmodels #publishing #videogame #smallbusinessowners #CopyrightAlliance #KeithKupferschmid #SarahDeutsch #JonathanZuck #digital #SteveRuwe #VictoriaSheckler #RIAA #RecordingIndustryAssociationofAmerica #ErichCCarey #litigation #NMPA #NationalMusicPublishersAssociation #GregoryAlanBarnes #DigitalMediaAssociation #DiMA #Songpreneurs #MarshaBlackburn #SongwritersCaucus #Tennessee