Here at HQ we're celebrating the 5th anniversary of our first workbook's publication Getting Started The Right Way In the New Millennium of Music Business with the addition of a brand new 2018 Addendum.
It's amazing that our Plain English workbook on how to understand your rights, licensing, and royalties as a songwriter entrepreneur still holds up after 5 years in the fast paced Wild West of the music business. But our book does just that. Why? Because it's based on principles, and principles are both timeless and self evident (says mentor Stephen Covey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People author.) That's why principles are a good guideline for us to follow. If you already have your Getting Started workbook, and you just want to download the 2018 Addendum to print out and insert into your book, please click here to take a quick survey on how you're using your workbook.
We're looking forward to reconnecting with you as we update this living curriculum.™
... and speaking of achievement - our book has been used to teach in these fine institutions including:
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Nashville Songwriter Association International (NSAI)
Small Business Development Centers Annual Conference
University of Colorado
East Tennessee State University
Terry College of Business at University of Georgia
Belmont University
SCORE Nashville
Songwriting School of Los Angeles
Women In Music NYC
Americana Music Association Festival
Durango Song Festival
Youth Villages Nashville and Clarksville
We look forward to celebrating many more years of success as the song pie™ spreads all over the world, educating and empowering artists and arts consumers everywhere.
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