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Motivation for the Songwriting New Year

January marks the beginning of our school year here at Songpreneurs for our Songpreneurs Leadership Community.

Our first order of business in any new year is to clarify our own vision of what we would like to see accomplished – “beginning with the end in mind” as author Stephen Covey puts it.

The goal is to identify the 20% of your activities that generate 80% of your results. Then do a lot more of those activities in the new year.


Order your Franklin Covey Planner through our Songpreneurs Amazon Affiliate link here >>


Priorities thus clarified in terms of long term vision, it’s so much easier to do the work of managing and planning what to do next and in what order.

In addition to being huge fans of the Franklin Covey Planner for self management and organization, we do an annual practice my dad, Nashville Songwriter Hall of Fame Member Kim Williams used to perform called a yearly review.

This exercise works for any micro, small or medium sized business as well.

Your yearly review sets the stage and foundation to help you use the data available from the previous year’s work to help chart the course forward in the most efficient and effective manner.

In a nutshell – the yearly review has you to observe and write out all your work-related activities and then evaluate what results came from the time spent.

Sometimes the result will be measured in money, but more often it’s related to some other positive outcome at first.

The goal is to identify the 20% of your activities that generate 80% of your results. Then do a lot more of those activities in the new year.

For songwriters, this sometimes means spending more time pitching and less time writing new songs for a while.

Or the opposite can be true for some.

Whatever it is for you, the process reflective self evaluation is good at the first part of the year to help you chart course to start new endeavors.

Spend the first half of January reflecting, reviewing and planning, and be ready to start your new program of service around the 24th.

Here is a video of my dad Kim Williams talking about his use of the 80/20 rule for songwriting success –

Here’s a Songpreneurs Yearly Review worksheet to help you do your 80/20 analysis –

And here’s the Songpreneurs Original Song Database to help you get organized –

Songpreneurs Leadership Community Members can login to access the materials in the Members Library here >>


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