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Songpreneurs Curriculum Standards

Our Core Curriculum Standards for the Songpreneurs are based on several objectives:


  • Structure building

  • Promoting the power of the individual

  • Recognizing our role within the group

  • Encouraging creative expression


As we progress in the Songpreneurs School year, we will continue to define our goals and objectives in the light of the curriculum we are studying.  For now, please familiarize yourself with these foundational elements of our study as we begin a new year of work.


We will largely follow along with the College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards as presented by the Common Core State Standards adopted in 45 U.S. States as well as International Benchmarks.


These Common Core Standards provide key ideas and details, craft and structure standards, integration of knowledge and ideas and range of reading and level of complexity benchmarks.


For your convenience, a few of the relevant Core Standards are listed below, along with a link to the full Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects.


The following are adapted for our uses from the Common Core document referenced above.


Key Ideas and Details (from p. 10 Common Core Reading)


  1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

  2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.

  3. Analyze how and why individuals, events and ideas develop and interact over the course of the text.


Craft and Structure (p. 18 Common Core Writing)


  4.  Write arguments to support claims in an analysis or substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

  5.  Write informative/explanatory and creative texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization and analysis of content including short stories, poetry or songs expressing the ideas in metaphoric form.*

  6.  Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details and well-structured event sequences.


*        Songpreneurs adapts point two with the addition of the italicized words.


Integration and Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas (from p. 22 Speaking and Listening)


  7.  Present information, findings and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development and style are appropriate to task, purpose and audience.

  8.  Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations.

  9.  Adapt speech and written presentation to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of language crafting technique when indicated or appropriate.*



Range of Writing (from p. 18 Common Core Writing)


  10.  Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.



In addition to these Academic Common Core Standards, Songpreneurs also follows along with International curriculum recommendations presented in the UN Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace:




9.      Actions to foster a culture of peace through education.  (e) Encourage revision of educational curricula, including textbooks, bearing in mind the 1995 Declaration and Integrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Democracy for which technical cooperation should be provided by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization upon request.


10.    Actions to promote sustainable economic and social development.  (j) Remove obstacles to the realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, in particular of peoples living under colonial or other forms of alien domination or foreign occupation, which adversely affect their social and economic development.


11.    Actions to promote respect for all human rights.


12.    Actions to ensure equality between women and men.


13.    Actions to advance understanding, tolerance and solidarity:  (d) Support actions that foster understanding, tolerance and solidarity throughout society, in particular with vulnerable groups.


15.    Actions to support participator communication and the free flow of information and knowledge.  (a) Support the important role of the media in the promotion of a culture of peace. (d) Promote mass communication that enables communities to express their needs and participate in decision-making. 


          The purpose of education is to draw out and complement the knowledge already in a person.  Our focus with the Songpreneurs is:


  • To show the power of the individual in relation to the group

  • To build a mental framework of organized information

  • To foster creativity and creative expression.


          Eventually, we feel that these measures will lead to a self-motivated, disciplined group of individuals who will find innovative ways to build a new, sustainable model for the music business as we move forward, while strengthening and deepening our knowledge and practice of songwriting as a healthy and important means of self expression.

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